
Rowell products are produced using the highest quality natural ingredients, and manufactured following the strictest FDA guidelines. Rowell Labs offers the only homeopathic products specifically labeled for treatment of fungal infections and other microbial infections, as a naturopathic solution for pharmaceutical treatments.
We use no petroleum or harmful chemical ingredients in our skin care products. Petroleum based moisturizing creams were recently shown to promote cancer growth in lab mice. We test every batch manufactured for consistent quality. Additionally, each and every batch is tested by an FDA inspected lab for validation of quality, including microbial testing.
We encourage you to use Rowell products for your family with confidence knowing all Rowell products are natural, safe, and effective. With every new Rowell product, specifications are developed for quality control analytical procedures and Quality Assurance production testing procedures.
Rowell maintains that developing a new product is only part of the quality process; the process continues with control of that quality throughout the manufacturing procedure, and throughout final approval and distribution of the finished product. On arrival, raw materials are immediately quarantined until a detailed laboratory analysis ensures that they meet rigid specifications. In process and finished products are subjected to Quality Assurance testing and oversight and must meet precise specifications. The knowledge that each and every batch of a specific Rowell product has consistent characteristics assures the physician, pharmacist, patient, or customer that the same benefit will be received from each equivalent dose.